
Italy has a population of 60,813,326 people, Italy's capital city is Rome and largest city Rome. Italy personel income per capita $32,522 (24th), jobless rate 0.75% and its currency Euro (€) (EUR) . Italy official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Italian, ethnics groups : Italian.

Italy has 301,338 km2 (71st) 116,346 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $1.980 trillion (8th). Italy president Giorgio Napolitano and prime minister Mario Monti.


Italy Flag Where is Italy in the World
  • Capital : Rome
  • Population : 60,813,326
  • GDP : $1.980 trillion (8th)
  • Per Capita : $32,522 (24th)
  • Calling Code : +39
  • Jobless Rate : 11.20%
  • Area : 301,338 km2 (71st) 116,346 sq mi
  • Largest City : Rome
  • President : Giorgio Napolitano
  • Prime Minister : Mario Monti
  • Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
  • Time Zone : +1
  • Internet Ext. : .it
  • Inflation Rate : 2.20%
  • Interest Rate : 0.75%
  • Debt GDP : 120.70%
  • Languages : Italian
  • Ethnicity : Italian

Italy Economy

Italy GDP : $1.980 trillion (8th), Per Capita : $32,522 (24th)
Jobless Rate : 11.20% , Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
Inflation Rate : 2.20% , Interest Rate : 0.75%
Debt GDP : 120.70% , Internet Ext. : .it
Calling Code : +39 , Time Zone : +1

Italy Geography & Climate

Italy Demographics & Ethnicity

Italy Population : 60,813,326, Area : 301,338 km2 (71st) 116,346 sq mi
Italy Capital : Rome, Largest City : Rome
Languages : Italian, Ethnicity : Italian.

Italy Goverment & Military

Italy President : Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister : Mario Monti

Italy Religion & Culture

Italy History

Where is Italy & Map of Italy

Map of Italy

Alphabetically Cities of Italy & Population of Italy Cities

Rome Map - 2,872,021 Milan Map - 1,337,155 Milano Map - 1,337,155 Naples Map - 978,399 Palermo Map - 678,492 Genoa Map - 592,507 Bologna Map - 386,181 Florence Map - 381,037 Bari Map - 327,361 Catania Map - 315,601 Cesena Map - Como Map - Ferrara Map - Brescia Map - Brindisi Map - Cagliari Map - Bergamo Map - Ancona Map - Foggia Map - Forli Map - Modena Map - Monza Map - Imola Map - Latina Map - Livorno Map - Messina Map - Parma Map - Perugia Map - Pesaro Map - Pescara Map - Piacenza Map - Pisa Map - Prato Map - Ravenna Map - Novara Map - Padua Map - Salerno Map - Sassari Map - Siracusa Map - Taranto Map - Terni Map - Napoli Map - Roma Map - Treviso Map - Trieste Map - Udine Map - Venice Map - Verona Map - Vicenza Map -

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