Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe has a population of 183,176 people, Sao Tome and Principe's capital city is Sao Tome and largest city Sao Tome.

Sao Tome and Principe personel income per capita $1,473, jobless rate 14.00% and its currency Dobra (STD) . Sao Tome and Principe official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Portuguese, Forro, Angolar, Principense, ethnics groups : .

Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe Flag Where is Sao Tome and Principe in the World
  • Capital : Sao Tome
  • Population : 183,176
  • GDP : $248 million
  • Per Capita : $1,473
  • Calling Code : +239
  • Jobless Rate : 14.00%
  • Area : 1,001 km2 (183rd) 372 sq mi
  • Largest City : Sao Tome
  • President : Manuel Pinto da Costa
  • Prime Minister : Gabriel Costa
  • Currency : Dobra (STD)
  • Time Zone : +0
  • Internet Ext. : .st
  • Inflation Rate : 11.10%
  • Interest Rate : 14.00%
  • Debt GDP : 75.80%
  • Languages : Portuguese, Forro, Angolar, Principense
  • Ethnicity :
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Sao Tome and Principe has 1,001 km2 (183rd) 372 sq mi, its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $248 million. Sao Tome and Principe president Manuel Pinto da Costa and prime minister Gabriel Costa.

Sao Tome and Principe Economy

Sao Tome and Principe GDP : $248 million, Per Capita : $1,473
Jobless Rate : 14.00% , Currency : Dobra (STD)
Inflation Rate : 11.10% , Interest Rate : 14.00%
Debt GDP : 75.80% , Internet Ext. : .st
Calling Code : +239 , Time Zone : +0

Sao Tome and Principe Geography & Climate

Sao Tome and Principe Demographics & Ethnicity

Sao Tome and Principe Population : 183,176, Area : 1,001 km2 (183rd) 372 sq mi
Sao Tome and Principe Capital : Sao Tome, Largest City : Sao Tome
Languages : Portuguese, Forro, Angolar, Principense, Ethnicity : .

Sao Tome and Principe Goverment & Military

Sao Tome and Principe President : Manuel Pinto da Costa, Prime Minister : Gabriel Costa

Sao Tome and Principe Religion & Culture

Sao Tome and Principe History

Sao Tome and Principe has 1,001 km2 (183rd) 372 sq mi, its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $248 million. Sao Tome and Principe president Manuel Pinto da Costa and prime minister Gabriel Costa.

Sao Tome and Principe Economy

Sao Tome and Principe GDP : $248 million, Per Capita : $1,473
Jobless Rate : 14.00% , Currency : Dobra (STD)
Inflation Rate : 11.10% , Interest Rate : 14.00%
Debt GDP : 75.80% , Internet Ext. : .st
Calling Code : +239 , Time Zone : +0

Sao Tome and Principe Geography & Climate

Sao Tome and Principe Demographics & Ethnicity

Sao Tome and Principe Population : 183,176, Area : 1,001 km2 (183rd) 372 sq mi
Sao Tome and Principe Capital : Sao Tome, Largest City : Sao Tome
Languages : Portuguese, Forro, Angolar, Principense, Ethnicity : .

Sao Tome and Principe Goverment & Military

Sao Tome and Principe President : Manuel Pinto da Costa, Prime Minister : Gabriel Costa

Sao Tome and Principe Religion & Culture

Sao Tome and Principe History

Where is Sao Tome and Principe & Map of Sao Tome and Principe

Map of Sao Tome and Principe

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Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe Map Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe emblem Sao Tome and Principe flag where is Sao Tome and Principe

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